
Volume 10 Number 1-4 (2013)


Volume 10  (2013)

(all papers can be downloaded at the page numbers)

Volume  10,  Number  1 (2013)  --- Contents


 T. Sun, L. Ge and W. Liu,  Equivalent a posteriori error estimates for a constrained         optimal control problem governed by parabolic equations.pdf(1)

 J.-H. Pyo,   Error estimates for the second order semi-discrete stabilized gauge-uzawa      method for the navier-stokes equations.pdf(24)  

 L. Cao, L. Zhang, W. Allegretto and Y. Lin, Multiscale computation of a Steklov      eigenvalue problem with rapidly oscillating coefficients.pdf(42)  

 G. Yuksel and R. Ingram,   Numerical analysis of a finite element Crank-Nicolson   discretization for MHD flows at small magnetic Reynolds numbers.pdf(74)

 S. Clain and M. Djeno, The half-planes problem for the level set equation.pdf(99)

 M. Franken, M. Rumpf and B. Wirth,   A phase field based PDE constrained optimization approach to time discrete Willmore flow.pdf(166) 
 Q. Lin and H. Xie, Extrapolation of the finite element method on general meshes.pdf(139) 

 T. Xiong, C.-W. Shu and M. Zhang,  A priori error estimates for semi-discrete discontinuous Galerkin methods solving nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi equations with smooth solutions.pdf(154) 
 V. Franklin, M. Paramasivam, J.J.H. Miller and S. Valarmathi, Second order parameter-uniform convergence for a finite difference method for a singularly perturbed linear parabolic system.pdf(178) 

 Y. Goto, A 2-dimensional mechanical model of the formation of a somite.pdf(203)

 J. Carcione and D. Kosloff, Representation of matched-layer kernels with viscoelastic mechanical models.pdf(221)

 H. Chan, E. Chung and G. Cohen, SStability and dispersion analysis of the staggered discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation.pdf(233)


Volume  10,  Number  2 (2013)  --- Contents  


 R. Ingram,  Unconditional convergence of high-order extrapolations of the Crank-Nicolson,finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations.pdf(257)

 T. Lin and D. Sheen,The immersed finite element method for parabolic problems using the Laplace transformation in time discretization.pdf(298) 

 C. Jung and T. Nguyen, Semi-analytical numerical methods for convection-dominated   problems with turning points.pdf(314)

 S. Dumont and J.-B. Duval, Numerical investigation of the decay rate of solutions to models for water waves with non local viscosity.pdf(333)

 H. Zhu and Z. Zhang, Local Error Estimates of the LDG Method for 1-D Singularly Perturbed Problems.pdf(350)

 J. Cheng, X. Huang, S. Shu, J. Xu, C. Zhang, S. Zhang and Z. Zhou,   Application of an energy-minimizing algebraic multigrid method for subsurface water simulations.pdf(374) 

 Z. Chen, D. Cheng, W. Feng and T. Wu, An optimal 9-point  finite difference scheme for the Helmholtz equation with PML.pdf(389)

 E. Creuse, S. Nicaise, Z. Tang, Y. Menach, N. Nemitz and F. Piriou,  Residual-based a posteriori estimators for the T/ Ω magnetodynamic harmonic formulation of the Maxwell system.pdf(411)

 L. Wei and Y. He, Numerical analysis of the fractional seventh-order KdV equation using an implicit fully discrete local discontinuous Galerkin method.pdf(430)

 P. Kalita, Convergence of Rothe scheme for hemivariational inequalities of parabolic type.pdf(445)

 M. Braack and N. Taschenberger, Hierarchical a posteriori residual based error estimators for bilinear finite elements.pdf(466)

 S. Bajpai, N. Nataraj and A. Pani, On fully discrete finite element schemes for equations of motion of Kelvin-Voigt fluids.pdf(482)


Volume  10,  Number  3 (2013)  --- Contents  


 B. Ewald and F. Tone,  Approximation of the long-term dynamics of the dynamical system generated by the two-dimensional thermohydraulics equations.pdf(500)

 W. Shen, L. Ge and D. Yang,   Finite element methods for optimal control problems governed by linear quasi-parabolic integro-differential equations.pdf(536)  

 J. Wang, Y. Wang and X. Ye, Unified a posteriori error estimator \\for finite element methods for the Stokes equations.pdf(551)

 A. Kacimi, T. Aliziane and B. Khouider, The Arakawa Jacobian method and a fourth-order essentially nonoscillatory scheme for the beta-plane barotropic equations.pdf(571)

 X. Deng, Y. Zhao and J. Zou, On linear finite elements for simultaneously recovering source location and intensity.pdf(588)

 S. Rao and M. Kumar,   An almost fourth order parameter-robust numerical method for a linear system of M >=2 coupled singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems.pdf(603)

 B. Li and W. Sun, Error analysis of linearized semi-implicit Galerkin finite element methods for nonlinear parabolic equations.pdf(622)

 Y. Wu, X. Xie and L. Chen,  Hybrid stress finite volume method for linear elasticity problems.pdf(634)

 J. Wu and Z. Wang, Mixed Fourier-generalized Jacobi rational spectral method for two-dimensional exterior problems.pdf(657)

 K. Chrysafinos, Convergence of discontinuous time-stepping schemes for a Robin boundary control problem under minimal regularity assumptions.pdf(673)

 X. Luo, Y. Chen and Y. Huang, Some error estimates of finite volume element approximation for elliptic optimal control problems.pdf(697)

 R. Fabiano,A semidiscrete approximation scheme for neutral delay-differential equations.pdf(712)

 Y. Duan and X. Yang, The finite element method of a Euler scheme for stochastic Navier-Stokes equations involving the turbulent component.pdf(727)

 S. Bahi and A. Ross, An algorithm for finding nonnegative minimal norm solutions of linear systems.pdf(745)


 Volume  10,  Number  4 (2013)  --- Contents


 N. Du, J. Shi and W. Liu,  An effective gradient projection method for stochastic optimal control.pdf(757)

 W. Li, D. Liang and Y. Lin,   A new energy-conserved S-FDTD scheme for Maxwell's equations in metamaterials.pdf(775) 

 C. Clavero, J. Gracia, G. Shishkin and L. Shishkina, Grid approximation of a singularly perturbed parabolic equation with degenerating convective term and discontinuous right-hand side.pdf(795) 

 H. Tian, H. Wang and W. Wang, An efficient collocation method\for a non-local diffusion  model.pdf(815)

 F. Guillen-Gonzalez and M. Redondo-Neble, Spatial error estimates for a finite element viscosity-splitting scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations.pdf(826)

 P. Zhu, Z. Xie and S. Zhou,   Uniform convergence of a coupled  method for convection- diffusion problems in 2-D Shishkin mesh.pdf(845)

 M.~Asadzadeh and E.~Kazemi, On convergence of the streamline diffusion and discontinuous Galerkin methods for the multi-dimensional Fermi pencil beam equation.pdf(860)

 W. Zhao, Y. Li and L. Ju,  Error estimates of the Crank-Nicolson scheme for solving     backward stochastic differential equations.pdf(876)

 J. Ku, A comment on least-squares finite element methods with minimum regularity assumptions.pdf(899)

 D. Shi and Z. Yu, Nonconforming mixed finite element methods for stationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics.pdf(904) 

 L. Shan, W. Layton and H. Zheng, Numerical analysis of modular VMS methods with nonlinear eddy viscosity for the Navier-Stokes equations.pdf(943)

 Y. Xu and T. Zeng, Fast optimal H_2 model reduction algorithms based on Grassmann     manifold optimization.pdf(972)


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