Volume 9 (2012)
(all papers can be downloaded at the page numbers)
Volume 9, Number 1 (2012) --- Contents
J. Wang, Y. Wang and X. Ye, A posteriori error estimate for stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes equations.pdf(1)
J. Fritz, B. Flemisch and R. Helmig, Decoupled and multiphysics models for non-isothermal compositional two-phase flow in Porous Media.pdf(17)
K. Wang, H. Wang and X. Yu, An immersed Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method for transient advection-diffusion equations with interfaces.pdf(29)
M. Al-Lawatia, Solution of advection diffusion equations in two space dimensions by a rational Eulerian Lagrangian localized adjoint method over hexagonal grid.pdf(43)
T. Lu and J. Jia, An optimal-order error estimate for a finite diffusion method to transient degenerate advection-diffusion equations.pdf(56)
Q. Lin, K. Wang, H. Wang and X. Yin, A uniformly optimal-order estimate for bilinear finite element method for transient advection-diffusion equations.pdf(73)
Y. Yuan, The characteristic finite element alternating-direction method with moving meshes for the transient behavior of a semiconductor device.pdf(86)
J. Mortensen, S. Olsen, J. Parlange and A. Telyakovskiy, Approximate similarity solution to a nonlinear diffusion equation with spherical symmetry.pdf(105)
L. Jiang, J. Aarnes and Y. Efendiev, Some multiscale results using limited global information for two-phase simulations.pdf(115)
H. Chen, Z. Zhou and H. Wang, An optimal-order error estimate for an H^1-Galerkin mixed method for a pressure equation in compressible porous medium flow.pdf(132)
A. Cheng, Y. Ren and K. Xi, An error estimate for MMOC-MFEM based on convolution for porous media flow.pdf(149)
Volume 9, Number 2 (2012) --- Contents
C. Douglas, L. Deng, Y. Efendiev, G. Haase, A. Kucher and R. Lodder,Real-time multiscale detection of defective pills during manufacturing.pdf(169)
B. Wang, X. Wang and Z. Chen, Spatial entropy based mutual information in hyperspectral band selection for supervised classification.pdf(181)
L. He, G. Zhang and J. Jiang, GPU accelerated parallel branch prediction for multi/many-core processor simulation.pdf(193)
K. Li, Z. Guo, Z. Chen and B. Ge, Research on EPGA based evolvable hardware chips for solving super-high dimensional equations group.pdf(208)
W. Gu and X. Wang, An interactive geospatial analysis platform for facility location decision-making.pdf(217)
B. Cheng, W. Tong and X. Wang, Hybrid performance modeling and analyzing of parallel systems.pdf(232)
M. cui and Y. Deng, Numerical solutions for nonequilibrium solute transport with first-order decay and zero-order production.pdf(247)
Y. Hu, W. Tong, X. Wang and X. Zhi, Parallel data partitioning strategy in solving large scale electromagnetic scattering problems.pdf(257)
J. Li, T. Huang and D. Luo, The semi-convergence of generalized SSOR method for singular augmented systems.pdf(270)
C. Liu, H. Fu and P. Lu, New shock detector and improved control function for shock-boundary layer interaction.pdf(276)
X. Li, B. Dong, L. Xiao and L. Ruan, Adaptive tradeoff in metadata-based small file optimizations for a cluster file system.pdf(289)
J. Peng, L. Teng and Y. Jin, Realization of a tri-valued programmable cellular automata with ternary optimal computer.pdf(304)
Z. Wei, X. Shi and Y. Wang, The oblique water entry impact of a torpedo and its ballistic trajectory simulation.pdf(312)
J. Xie, W. Zhang, S. Zhang and T. Wen, A parallel method for querying target subnetwork in a biomolecular network.pdf(326)
L. Xu, F. Zhong, P. Zhang and G. Han, Conflict analysis of multi-source SST distribution.pdf(338)
K. Ye, J. Che, Q. He, D. Huang and X. Jiang, Performance combinative evaluation from single virtual machine to multiple virtual machine systems.pdf(351)
S. Yu, Z. wu, H. Wang, Z. Chen and H. Zhong, A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm based on space transformation search and a modified velocity model.pdf(371)
B. Zhang, H. Zhu and W. Zhang, An efficient image simplification algorithm for brain MRI segmentation based on downhill filler.pdf(378)
X. Zhi, W. Tong, Y. Hu, P. Chen and J. Hu, Hybrid algorithm based parallel solution to electromagnetic scattering for arbitrary shaped cavities.pdf(385)
Y. Jin, X. Wang, J. Peng, M. Li, Z. Shen and S. Ou-Yang, Vector-matrix multiplication in ternary optimal computer.pdf(401)
B. He, Y. Chen, W. feng, Q. Li, A. Song, Y. Wang, M. Zhang and W. Zhang,Compressible lattice Boltzmann method and applications.pdf(410)
J. Li, J. Wu, Z. Chen and A. Wang, Superconvergence of stabilized low order finite volume approximation forthe three-dimensional stationary Navier-Stokes equations.pdf(419)
A. Cencerrado, R. Rogriguez, A. Cortes and T. Margalef, Urgency versus accuracy:Dynamics data driven application system for natural hazard management.pdf(432)
Z. Wang, Z. Chen and J. Li, A stabilized nonconforming quadrilateral finite element method for the generalized Stokes equations.pdf(449)
H. Fu and C. Liu, A buffered Fourier spectral method for non-periodic PDE.pdf(460)
Volume 9, Number 3 (2012) --- Contents
Professor Magne Espedal Memorial Issue
Preface by
R. Burger, Ruis-Baier, K. Scheider and H. Torres, A multiresolution method for the simulation of sedimentation in included channels.pdf(479)
H. Friis and S. Evje, Numerical treatment of two-phase flow in capillary heterogeneous porous media by finite-volume approximations.pdf(505)
Z. Chen and H. Chen, Numerical simulation of reservoir multicomponent fluid mixing.pdf(529)
J. Bramble and J. Pasciak, Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to the three dimensional electromagnetic wave scattering problem.pdf(543)
G. Coclite, K. Karlsen, S. Mishra and N. Risebro, A hyperbolic-elliptic model of two-phase flow in porous media-existence of entropy solutions.pdf(562)
R. Klausen and A. Stephansen, Convergence of multi-point approximations on general grids and media.pdf(584)
M. Wheeler, G. Xue and I. Yotov, Local velocity postprocessing for multipoint flux method on general hexahedra.pdf(607)
O. Pettersen, Coupled flow-and rock mechanics simulation: optimizing the coupling term for faster and accurate computation.pdf(628)
A. Tveito, G. Lines, M. Rognes and M. Maleckar, An analysis of the shock strength needed to achieve defibrillation in a simplified mathematical model of cardiac tissue.pdf(644)
T. Basu and H. Wang, A fast second-order finite difference method for space-fractional diffusion equations.pdf(658)
B. Gong and G. Qin, A hybrid upscaling procedure for modeling of fluid flow in fractured subsurface formations.pdf(667)
K. Lie, J. Natvig and H. Nilsen, Discussion of dynamics and operator splitting techniques for two-phase flow with gravity.pdf(684)
E. Keilegavlen, J. Nordbotten and A. Stephansen, Tensor relative permeabilities:Origin, modeling and numerical discretization.pdf(701)
M. Wolff, B. Flemisch, R. Helmig and I. Aavatsmark, Treatment of tensorial relative permeabilities with multipoint flux approximation.pdf(725)
W. Gray, P. Herrera, S. Gasda and H. Dahle, Derivation of vertical equilibrium models for CO_2 migration from pore scale equations.pdf(745)
Volume 9, Number 4 (2012) --- Contents
A. Holmes and H. Yang, A front-fixing finite element method for the valuation of American put options on zero-coupon bonds.pdf(777)
H. Egger and C. Waluga, A hybrid mortar method for incompressible flow.pdf(793)
A. Soufi, M. Jazar and H. Azari, Numerical computation of the first eigenvalue of the p-Laplace operator on the unit sphere.pdf(813)
J. Garcia and E. O'Riordan, A singularily perturbed convection-diffusion problem with a moving interior layer.pdf(823)
G Wang and L. Wang, Finite element approximation of optimal control for the heat equation with end-point state constraints .pdf(844)
H. Sun, Y. He and X. Feng, On error estimates of the penalty method for the unsteady conduction-convention problems I: time discretization.pdf(876)
H. Yu and Y. Huang, Asympototic expansion and superconvergence for triangular linear finite element on a class of typical mesh.pdf(892)
F. Yang, K. Chen and B. Yu, Efficient homotopy solution and a convex combination of ROF and LLT models for image restoration.pdf(907)
S. Giani and P. Houston, Anisotropic hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for compressible fluid flows.pdf(928)
J. Zhang, M. Emelianenk and Q. Du, Periodic centroidal Voronoi tessellations.pdf(950)
S. Singh, Split-step forward Milstein method for stochastic differential equation.pdf(970)
J. Jiao and G. Guo, Mixed spectral method for Navier-Stokes equations in an infinite strip by using generalized Lagrange functions.pdf(982)
C. Bi and Y. Lin, Discontinuous Galerkin method for monotone nonlinear elliptic problems.pdf(999)